Take 2 of Immunotherapy.
Before I begin to talk about Murphy, let me go back to an important period.
This 14-year time span is what it took for this life-saving immunotherapy drug to become available and a part of the Australian protocol for Neuroblastoma. In that time, parents would have signed up for this treatment when in the trial phase. Thank you to the parents who took that chance with their children to get a better outcome and survival rate, because if it were not for those parents, we would not be in this current phase of treatment for Murphy.
Now can I show you a time of greater importance.
This 33-year timespan changed the world and broke something that held on for too long. God sent His son, Jesus Christ, onto the earth in human form and showed us how to live. His life though ended with the cruellest death, but through dying on the cross, Jesus did the most life-giving act. Jesus broke the power of Satan on this earth.
I have been reminded recently by some fierce prayer warriors that Murphy’s battle is both a physical and spiritual attack. The Bible points to our battles being not with ‘flesh and blood’, but in the spirit form. Therefore, can I urge you to do two things: 1. Read the following 10 verses (found HERE) and 2. Pray for our dear Murphy to be healed of this insidious disease.
Ok, now for some updates! And there are a few, so buckle up.
Immunotherapy round 1 was a misfire. It was something like a school dance moment, where the guy and girl got all dressed up to go, and their car broke down at 5pm on the way to the dance and then both of their parents picked them up separately and then parted ways.
The Nowak family was all ready to go three weeks ago on a Monday, with all family and friends having the battle plan for the highly coordinated effort to get kids to school, Calista to dance, meals prepped, uniforms washed and ironed, and Nat released to care for Murphy. On the day of admission, dose 1 out of 4 immunotherapy was administered and almost immediately, Murphy was in a world of pain. It took the team of doctors and many reviews to adjust the pain medication to find a level where Murphy was comfortable, unfortunately by the Tuesday the kidneys were not faring well. With fluid retention throughout Murphy’s body, dose number two of the immunotherapy was postponed as his kidney levels were not safe to continue. By Wednesday, Murphy tested positive for multiple respiratory viruses and needing regular oxygen to get by. Doctors made the call that the remaining three immunotherapy doses were postponed, meaning the round was effectively cancelled as Murphy was too sick to continue.
Fast-forward to this week. Murphy has had doses two and three, and his pain levels are much more under control. Thank you, Jesus! Murphy’s body has still retained a lot of fluid, but team are passionate to see this treatment through and give Murphy’s body a fighting chance to get the immunotherapy working to kill the remaining tumours. This week has not been without its complications, because Murphy’s kidneys are not working as they should, Murphy has a fever, and his temperamental state makes it hard for him to be comfortable. Nat does an amazing job with caring for Murphy through the emotional highs and lows of each day in hospital. There is now only one dose remaining before they discharge Murphy for a few weeks.
The amazing team of play therapists, nurses, doctors, hospital school staff and the charitable work of some great footy players all make for a comfortable stay for the kids here on the ward. Thank you to the wonderful people who care for all the patients! Here are a couple of pics!
Murphy’s birthday coming up will be a huge day for him for two reasons. Firstly, the next MIBG has been moved to take place on this day, but more importantly Murphy is turning 5. After nearly an entire year of treatment, the Murphy we knew from Gympie last September 1st to this year’s Murphy will be very different. For some kids the difference between 4 years old and 5 means moving up a size of clothes, and maybe going from riding a scooter to a bike. For Murphy the difference is unimaginable. Cancer has matured him like nothing else. He has demonstrated to the world his unparalleled resilience, determination and will power. Murphy’s inner joy has shone through, and his understanding and trust of Heavenly Father is the sweetest thing to witness on this planet. When Murphy prays at night before bed, there is nothing purer than Murphy saying these two words, “dear Lord…” These words show that Murphy knows who the one person we can always turn to in time of need. And that is all because of what took place in 0-33 years.