

 Some powerful,

Some dangerous,

Some soft,

Some strong.

Some life-giving,

While others…

 You get my drift.

 A word spoken over you could build you up, or cut you down. We always have a choice as to how we use this language we’ve been given, as well as how we use our tongue to voice those words. When someone says something over you that is encouraging, directional and that which speaks life into someone’s future, it would be difficult to ignore and forget. As school teachers, Nat and I have had the chance to encourage hundreds, if not thousands of students and highlight qualities within them that would put them in good stead for the future. At times we even encourage students into a certain career path or speak over them something that we see in their future. Closer to home, Nat and I use that same principle with our children.

 Then there are God’s words! Some are general words and promises in the Bible (7000+ in fact!), while other words from God are specific, delivered through many ways. But one word from God, one promise, one picture that God pressed upon Nat’s spirit is that of Murphy starting school. All throughout 2023 Nat could not shake that word from God, and that is the promise that Murphy will start school. That word carried Nat through the hardest of times and gave light at the end of some of those dark tunnels.

 Friends, our son has completed 2 weeks of school! Murphy runs with the kids, sits attentively during reading time, climbs the blocks like the best of them, and occasionally gives a little cheekiness to his teacher. The staff at Cedar College have been beacons of light, shining bright each day and radiating smiles that are nothing short of inspirational. One beautiful moment of innocence took place last week, as Murphy ran over to the nurses room to have a ‘rest’. The nurse made a comfortable space for him to rest, yet after 2 short minutes he was up on his feet asking the nurses for a play. “What do you mean Murphy, I thought you needed to rest?” asked the nurse on duty. Little did that nurse know that our boy has convinced every nursing staff member at the hospital to play one of his many games. It’s hard to resist the lure of a Murphy asking a game of Uno, Pokemon battle, shops, teddy bear game etc. However; Murphy was unsuccessful in gaining a play buddy in this instance, instead he was walked back to his classroom and encouraged to focus back on the task at hand!

 God’s word to Nat early in 2023 has come to life, Murphy has begun school, and even better, he is THRIVING! His teacher asked if he needed a rest in his first week of school, to which Murphy responded, “Are the other kids resting, no, then I don’t need a rest!”

 Since my last post nearly 3 weeks ago, our family has been overwhelmed by the generosity of many of you. Murphy’s GoFundMe has seen over $110,000 in donations from over 350 donors towards our goal of $200,000! We have been blessed by every single donation, but even more so by the stories and testimonies of faith that has come from it. People sharing with us about their prayer and faith journeys growing  and the amazing conversations it has lead to as a family. Someone told me yesterday that it blessed their marriage greatly by working through how much to donate, as they were thinking a figure but then God prompted them to triple it. Nat and I most nights sit down and read through some of the names of those who have donated and we pray blessing over them and their families, and are overcome with how much generosity there is in our world. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts. Together, you are giving our boy the best shot of a full life! 3 weeks ago at our ‘Miracle for Murphy ‘event I stood there in front of everyone and said, “Nat and I don’t have enough money to help get this treatment, can you help?” And you have responded, thank you! If you want to still give towards Murphy’s next step, please consider doing so by clicking below.

 Last week Nat and I were given the opportunity to share Murphy’s story of hope with the Advertiser; an Adelaide Newspaper, for the first time since diagnoses. Our deliberate choice to not share Murphy’s Journey during treatment on social media has been something significant during the entire protocol because it has allowed our focus to be on Calista, Hugo, Teddy and Murphy and our family. Nat and I have not had to keep the online updates regular through social media, or being subjected to everyone’s ‘thoughts’ on cancer or treatment. Murphy’s siblings have also been able to live their life not completely in the shadow of Murphy but they have found their own lanes to run in! Last week though we knew was the right time to share Murphy’s story far and wide and we have been blessed to share a story of Hope and a Good News story now that Murphy has completed treatment! These words were published in our state’s newspaper:





 As we look forward to the most important scan in Murphy’s journey, his PET scan on Thursday Feb 15th (in two days!). PLEASE, can you, pray? We are unified and full of faith that this Thursday our boy will receive the word that he is cancer FREE. For Nat, her word that Murphy would start school has rung true. The promise that I have had and held onto is that I know I will be sat down by our oncologist and told that my boy is in remission. Since September 2022 I have clung to the promise that I will once again be in a room similar to where we sat when he was diagnosed but this time I will be told that Murphy is…


Please click here to contribute towards Murphy’s fundraiser > GoFundMe